It's all inside, shut up & closed down
"Quarantined"- no signs are posted
but everyone knows
the understood phenomena
lasting well beyond the plague
no one even thinks to question
"Legend has it..."
3 words passed on
keep the place all alone
it has been years
still the door remains shut
windows boarded
door bolted
thick ivy engulfs
and wild roses entangle
the house
on the edge of the city
Numerous people pass by each day
Many walk through the yard
Some dare to step on the porch
yet none have the courage to walk inside
Who will break in
kick down the door
shatter the glass
where is he who is unafraid
to risk a few bruises and scrapes
Under the dust and cobwebs
the furniture lies untouched
elegant, well kept, and comfortable
A few flaws and some quirky artwork
add style and excitement
A long, winding hallway
past rooms
some gloomy, some splendid
At the end awaits a door
to a garden of beauty
Flowers bloom and the sparrows sing
Springs flow past the gravel path
Rest in the shaded hammock
Warm breezes caress
Who will happen upon
the garden of serenity
Be there enough courage to enter
the home
on the edge of the city

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